Saturday, February 17, 2007

Nathan is a cutie!

Here's some of his latest cutie patootie antics...

Whenever you tell him that he is such a (insert anything here - like big boy, cutie, monster...)
He says "No, me not (whatever you said), me just a little cowboy".
He has been so into the cowboy thing! He and Ashlyn both have straw cowboy hats and stickhorses that they ride around most of the day.

I have contemplating starting potty training with him - totally going back and forth. We were at Target in the baby section getting him some white T-shirts to wear under his shirts. (BTW - I had no idea how essential these are! There has just seemed to be something missing in his wardrobe and I have discovered that basic white Ts are it! There is just something about that little triangle of white in a button-down shirt!) Right next to the Ts were little boys' briefs (and boxers, curiously). They had lots of characters, including his two absolute favorites - Thomas the Tank Engine and Spiderman. I asked him, "Nathan would you like to wear big boy pants and start going potty on the toilet?"
He replied, "No."
I said, "You don't want to wear Thomas underwear like the big kids do?"
"What about Spiderman? You love Spidey! Do you want to wear those?"
"They have Elmo from Sesame Street. Don't you want to have cool underwear and be my big boy?"
"Are you sure?"
"Me no want Thomas. We want Sleeping Beauty."

Oh my!

I hadn't noticed that right next to the boy pants were the girl panties. They had a package of Disney Princess panties with Ariel, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc. Since he has a sister he knows all about princesses and we have recently borrowed Sleeping Beauty from some friends. Hmmm. Well, I didn't get him the panties and Rick has now vowed to keep a scrict eye on what movies his son watches. :)

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