Thursday, September 14, 2006

So... guess who's 30! and other excitements

Yeah, you all already know. :) Not much is different - still no gray hairs and wrinkles. Still have 2 kids and a hubby and a cute 1/2-way done house. :) I appreciated the phone calls/cards/gifts/promises of gifts. (That's for you mom!) Even Coverwear sent me a present! I was shocked! They did cute cute Christmas gifts too - they must have an uber-crafty soul that works there! We are going out to a fondue restaurant tomorrow for my b-day. Things were busy last week so everything was postponed for Ashlyn and myself until this weekend. I've heard that the food is very yummy and incredibly expensive, but we've got entertainment $$ in the budget - it'll just all be going toward one thing this month! :) Actually it's pretty much the same next month - the circus is coming to town and we have 3 tickets! Woo-hoo! Hopefully the kids won't be scared!

New things about the kids...

Nathan seems to be learning new words every single day - kiss, circle, thank you (used when he's saying thank you or when he thinks you should be thanking him), moon, play, haka (cuz Uncle Dan came home from New Zealand and danced one for him), hurt, pooh-pooh (usually right before he make one), fish, look, help me (used when he'd like help or when he's just helped you), yes, Ashlyn, bless you (used when you or he sneezes or coughs), milk, etc. - just about anything you say he'll attempt to copy.

And with regards to the "pooh pooh" - he totally knows when he has to go, he doesn't just tell you after he's messed his pants. But when you ask if he'd like to go on the toilet - no thanks. This kid is not interested.

Ashlyn is well into preschool now and is doing a lot of review - they're doing the cowboy unit now and working on recognizing a handful of letters each month. They're doing a little mini-program on the last 10 minutes of class to sing their cowboy songs at the end of the month so if you're in the neighborhood and want to come just let me know! I'm thinking they're learning to write too as Ashlyn has come home chanting "down, dot, letter 'i' " (repeat this a number of times in your head as this always stated with multiple repititions).

Within the next few days we should be receiving our "high altitude conversion kit" for our new furnace so that will be in soon and then we can frame. This is what Rick said (he knows better than I do) in a recent email to a friend.
I am finishing my basement very slowly. I will be finishing putting in a new furnace this month before the cold really decides to sink its teeth in. After that, I can finish framing and move on to wiring, then to fire breaks and insulation, then to the dry wall mess, and finally the finish work. I have re-routed water and sewage lines and a large portion has been framed with one circuit put in and another mostly put in
and moved gas lines and put in a new water heater in a new location.

Sounds good, eh?

I think I should be more ready than I am for Saturday - I'm not sure what to do so today I just tidied up in preparation for a bunch of people seeing my house. I thought I would share some of what we're doing so if you have to miss her party (and since no family is coming that would be all of you!) you can still feel like you were part of the fun!

You know it's a luau theme. We have some tiki torches that we are lining the walk up to the front door with (I know that sentence is gramatically terrible - that "with" is split from the rest of its clause but I don't know where it goes!). We'll tie some balloons to them I think. The cake is a dolly varden style, but the cake will be green (and hopefully I'll find a way to add some texture - maybe run a fork down it) to be like a grass skirt. I still need to go to the dollar store and find a barbie for it. As far as activities - they'll be pinning the monkey on the tree (still have to make that too). Then they're strining leis with flowers punched from my paper scraps and inch long sections of straw (need to punch flowers and cut straws and get string). Then they are glueing decorations to composition notebooks to make personalized sticker books or coloring/doodling books or whatever they want to use it for. If you search for "altered composition notebook" you'll see what we're doing. Basically putting cute paper and "stuff" over the top of the notebook to make it cute. Then it's roast pig (hot dogs), cake, tropical fruit and opening presents. Hopefully that will take up 2 hours. If not, I'm sure they'll love playing on the swings and things in the yard. Or maybe I'll have them limbo. Who knows! :) Should be fun.


Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, Kiwilandia. Reminds me of my rugby playing days. Give the little guy a "kamate, kamate, uhh!, uhh!", from me, complete with the appropriate hand and arm slapping and thumping gestures. If that doesn't scare them all away, nothing will.

Also, your grammar should read something like "with which we will line the walk", or something like that. Reminds me of a great line by Winston Churchill along the lines of "ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put".

Anonymous said...

I am amazed that "the dad" can remember back that far :-) Yes the good ole days, took me two yrs to learn how to pronounce the pahootakawa tree, and yes ai know ai spelt it incorrectly, but at least I can say it :-) Anyway hope the party is a blast and look forward tovising and doing something special with
erika to celebrate the "hard labour" I endured (twas really a breeze0 30 YRS AGO :-)

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